Former world number one tennis star Ana Ivanovic announced her retirement on Wednesday. The 29-year-old who won the French Open in 2008 shared the news on her Facebook page with a live video expressing her intent to retire from the sport. “It has been a difficult decision but there is so much to celebrate,” said Ivanovic.
Ivanovic played tennis for 12 seasons winning 15 WTA singles titles as well as playing in the finals at the Australian and French Opens. Though being at the top spot was short-lived, Ivanovic became a widely popular player that increased the love of tennis in her home country of Serbia.
“I began dreaming about tennis since I was five watching Monica Seles play on TV,” she said during her live broadcast on Facebook. She played on several Fed Cup teams since 2006 and made the Olympic tennis team at the 2012 Summer Games in London.
2016 was a tough year for the top-ranked Serb who dealt with injuries throughout the season. With that and her recent marriage to German soccer star Bastian Schweinsteiger, Ivanovic came to the conclusion to move towards the next step of her life.
“I will become an Ambassador of sport and healthy life as well as pursue my endeavors of business, fashion and philanthropic activities that include my work with UNICEF.”
While many fans of the tennis star grieve over her retirement, Ivanovic had words of comfort for them in her message. “Don’t be sad, be optimistic alongside me.” “My love and my greatest thank you for all of you who helped me live the greatest life so far.”
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